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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

Archive Covid Update page



Regarding matters related to the mitigation of and prevention of Covid19 - The school follows expert advice provided by Public Health England, the NHS and the Department for Education.  For the latest comprehensive guidance from the government, click here

For the latest school letter with instructions about what to do when an individual develops COVID-19 symptoms, has a positive test and how to safely return to your normal routine before 10 days click here

Notre Dame Home Lateral Flow Test

From 21 February 2022, staff and pupils in mainstream secondary schools will not be expected to continue taking part in regular asymptomatic testing and should follow asymptomatic testing advice for the general population. Further information is available in the NHS Get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (

Testing for people with Coronavirus symptoms

Taking the Lateral Flow Test

Google Classroom Codes
If you have a prolonged absence (such as due to Covid) your teachers will provide you with work via Google Classroom.  To find the codes for each of your subjects click on Google Classroom Codes.

Updates via our Newsletter

We regularly email a newsletter to Students, Parents and Carers and upload a copy to our website.  To view all our newsletters click here.

Remote Learning Strategy

For a high level summary of our contingency strategy for remote learning click on our NDHS Remote Teaching Strategy.

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium Expenditure

To see how we have spent our catch up premium grant, click here.  To see how we have spent out 16-19 Tuition catch up grant click here.

Norfolk County Council Advice

For Norfolk County Council updates on Coronavirus click here 

Policy Updates

A number of our Policies have been updated to meet additional requirements relating to Coronavirus.  They can be accessed from the drop down menus below.  For access to our full list of Policies click here.

How to Take a Swab Test

Specific Advice

Click on the drop down menus below for advice and guidance in specific areas.

Medical Advice 

If Your Child Tests Positive

It is crucial that families inform us of a positive case straight away. The sooner we are made aware, the more time we have to respond. 

If your child receives a positive test result for Covid-19, please follow these steps… 

  1. Call the school immediately and ensure you speak to a member of staff. Please explain that your child has tested positively for Covid-19. Clearly leave the name of the child and your contact details. 
  2. If you need to make contact outside of the hours of 8.15am and 4.00pm, please provide the same information by email using 

NHS Useful Links

Visitors to the School 

Learning from home during the COVID Pandemic 

Video Tutorials

Advice for Students

Our Online Learning page is the starting point for students to access our Google classrooms and other applications accessible via their official Notre Dame login.

Google Classroom Codes
If you have a prolonged absence (such as due to Covid) your teachers will provide you with work via Google Classroom.  To find the codes for each of your subjects click on Google Classroom Codes.

Key Documents on Remote Learning

For a high-level summary click on our Remote Teaching Strategy

The following documents inform our current strategy:

The following documents give additional advice and guidance for parents and students

Exams Guidance 

Following the Government's announcement on Monday 4th January,  both A-level and GCSE examinations will be cancelled. We are currently awaiting further information, which will be communicated to you as soon as it is made available to us.

To view our latest updates on exams guidance click on  Exams.