06 Dec 2024
Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)
Careers Summary
At Notre Dame we believe that an outstanding provision of CEIAG is fundamental in guiding pupils to reach their potential, broaden horizons, and explore their own career aspirations. Our aim is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and ambition to leave school and move successfully into further education, employment, or training.
Careers Blog
To check out our latest blog posts, see the links below to find out more.
Latest News
04 Dec 2024
Poultec Open Days
02 Dec 2024
Unifrog Apprenticeship Fair
28 Nov 2024
BBC Apprenticeships - Applications are live for 2025!
27 Nov 2024
Application Masterclass with Lloyds Banking Group
27 Nov 2024
Explore Careers with the Largest Sporting Employer
27 Nov 2024
STEM Virtual Careers Event with NESO
25 Nov 2024
Accountancy Careers
25 Nov 2024
Insight to Farrer & Co Virtual Law Event
20 Nov 2024
Taster Day Invitation for new fully funded FE Performing Arts Course in Norwich
To view all the latest events and activities that you can access visit our Careers Blog.
Our Careers Provision
Schools have a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 7-13. We must give pupils access to beneficial information, impartial advice, and meaningful guidance. Our strong belief is that outstanding careers guidance provision is the key to unlocking social mobility. Here at Notre Dame, we focus on equipping young adults with the skills required in a fast-changing labour market, exploring all the options available to them, and providing support to allow them to make the right choices to enable them to engage in their chosen future careers.
Our Careers programme offers many opportunities throughout the school year for all students.
Throughout the careers programme at Notre Dame, we facilitate encounters with employers in and out of school, track the successes of our alumni and allow them to share their first-hand experience, and we present opportunities to engage with further and higher education providers. This empowers our pupils with the knowledge and understanding required to take ownership of their pathways and make informed decisions. All staff contribute to careers education and guidance through their roles as tutors and subject teachers. Alongside this provision, our experienced Careers Advisor offers focused and tailored careers advice.
The programme we offer focuses on developing our pupils’ skills in three core areas:
- Self-development: our pupils can only be successful if they understand the development of their own character, skills and abilities.
- Career exploration: our pupils can only aspire to careers they know about - our challenge is to make that knowledge as wide-ranging as possible.
- Career management: our pupils need the basic skills necessary to take their first post-16 steps with confidence, secure in the knowledge that they have made the correct choices at this time and have the resilience to cope with what lies ahead.
For further information on our Careers Programme for 2023/2024 please see the link at the bottom of this page.
Our Careers programme is reviewed annually and amended to meet the needs of our pupils, and we monitor our careers provision throughout the year. We use the Compass tool to measure the impact of the careers programme as part of this review. The next review will take place in July 2024. After our CEIAG events and PSHE lessons, we assess whether our students have achieved the aims and objectives of the event and the standard of provision.
Feedback on our CEIAG provision is welcomed from parents, students, staff and employers: please forward comments to careers@ndhs.org.uk
Further Information
Each year group have their own page which includes careers advice that is specific to them. To view your year group's page click on the Student menu at the top of our website or click here.
Our Careers blog, has been added to all 'students' year group home pages on the website. This allows us to share information as it arises. The Careers blog is also attached to the regular NDHS newsletter to parents and carers.
The Careers Programme
PDF Download available at bottom of page. or PDF Click Here
What they did next
Want to find out the sorts of career pathways former Notre Dame Students have had? Check out our Former Student Career Pathways. Do you know a former Notre Dame student who would like to share what they did next? If so, ask them to contact our Careers Team (see below).
Making connections
We aim to engage with businesses and employers to help us inform and educate our pupils about the world of work and prepare them for the path ahead.
Throughout the year, we have several events and activities in which employers can engage with pupils.
If you would be interested in supporting our work, please get in contact with our Careers Coordinator via the school office or email Rachel Holden directly rholden@ndhs.org.uk. We would also like to welcome past pupils into our alumni and appreciate their participation and involvement into our school events and activities.
Gatsby Benchmarks & Good Career Guidance
Further information about Gatsby Benchmarks and Good Careers Guidance can be found here
Have you thought about doing an apprenticeship?
Do you want to know more about what an apprenticeship is and what doors it could open for you?
For more info visit our Apprenticeships page.
Green Careers
One of the growth sectors in our region is sustainable energy and environmental jobs. There is a wide variety of jobs on offer for people who are passionate about how we use and protect the natural world.
For more info visit our Green Careers page.
Creative Careers
Did you know 1 in 11 jobs in the UK is in the Creative Industries. That's over 3 million jobs! This sector has a low risk of being affected by automation.
The number of creative jobs are predicted to grow at twice the speed of the rest of the jobs market.
Whatever your interests and skills, there's a job for you in this sector.
To find out more visit our Creative Careers page.
Public Services
Do you want to make a positive difference to the lives others?
Public service jobs span a huge range of careers, from central and local government jobs, to those in teaching, health and social care and the police force.
To find out more visit our Public Services Careers page.
Baker Clause - Provider Access Policy
To read our Provider Access Policy Statement, please Click here
PDF copy can be found at the bottom of this page.
Destinations Data
Careers and Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. It is important our students leave here with a good understanding of this.
What skills and qualifications you need for specific jobs?
How much money you can earn in a particular job?
Which job sectors are growing?
Which jobs meet more people.
What Jobs are in short demand.
What jobs have a higher percentage of men or women?
Routes taken to qualify for certain careers.
Here is a short video explaining what Labour Market Information is, starting to plan your career journey and where to find out information.Click Here
The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform career decisions. Click Here
Careerometer: A tool to compare jobs
Use the Careerometer to compare different jobs — salary, working hours, etc.Click Here
Book an Appointment
If you would like an appointment with our Careers Advisor, Siobhan Whiddett, to discuss future options and progression routes, click here.
The Careers Team at Notre Dame
To find a member of staff's email address you add our domain name @ndhs.org.uk for example: aperson@ndhs.org.uk
To contact careers staff by telephone, please use the main school number, 01603 611431.
- For general enquiries contact - careers@
Kate Freezer | Careers Leader | kfreezer@ | |
Rachel Holden | Careers Coordinator | rholden@ | |
Siobhan Whiddett | Careers Advisor |
swhiddett1@ |
Valerie Pomeroy | Careers Link Governor | v.pomeroy@uea.ac.uk |