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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

Latest News

May 2021

  • 24/05/21

    Week 33: The Gift of Speech

    The Disciples are given the confidence they need to spread Jesus’ teachings to all nations. How can we use our communication gifts to help spread Jesus' teachings throughout the world?
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  • 15/05/21

    Week 32: ‘I have sent them into the world’

    As Jesus prepares to leave his disciples, he prays that they will spread his word.  2,000 years later Christians continue to live by Jesus’ example and his teachings have spread throughout the world.  How do you pass them on through your life?
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  • 09/05/21

    Y10 & Y12 Performance for St Martin's Trust

    On Sunday our Y10 and Y12 Music students performed for the first time in over a year since the lock downs.  We were invited to play at a fundraising event for St Martin's Trust in the stunning setting of the gardens of the Bishop's Gardens at Norwich Cathedral. St Martin'...
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  • 09/05/21

    Week 31: 'I call you friends'

    Jesus’ description of a true friend is easy to understand, but difficult to achieve. How have you experienced true friendship this week? How does it make you feel? Who needs your true friendship this week?
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  • 04/05/21

    Supporting India in its Fight against Covid

    India is facing a devastating second wave of coronavirus. The country has confirmed more than 16 million cases and more than 200,000 deaths, with some concerned that the number of deaths is just the tip of the iceberg because of under-reporting.
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  • 01/05/21

    Wk 30: You are the Branches

    Jesus explains how following his life and teachings will help us to flourish. What aspects of your life are flourishing? What aspects of your life need to be pruned back?
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