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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

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  • 16/12/23

    Week 15: JOY!

    What brings joy to your life? How can you bring joy to others and help make the world a more joyful place for everyone?
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  • 09/12/23

    Week 14: Peace

    The second week of Advent is themed around PEACE.  How can we find PEACE in our own lives?  Who do you need to make PEACE with?
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  • 02/12/23

    Week 13: Stay Awake!

    The first week of Advent is themed around Hope. What are you hopeful for in your life?  How can you bring the light of hope to this week?
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  • 25/11/23

    Week 12: Lead by Example

    Jesus was an unlikely leader.  He led by the example of his own life.  He focussed on the potential of others. How can you lead by example this week?
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  • 18/11/23

    Week 11: What's your talent?

    Jesus tells us a story to explain that each of us should make the most of the talents that we have.  How can you best use your talents this week?
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  • 11/11/23

    Week 10:

    This week's reading encourages us to 'stay awake' to seeing the needs of others.  Who will you notice this week?
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  • 04/11/23

    Week 9: Be Humble

    Be humble, or you'll stumble! Jesus warns us to focus less on ourselves and to make the effort instead to notice the people around us more. Who can you take the time to support and be kind to this week?
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  • 31/10/23

    Week 8: Love your neighbour

    'Love your neighbour as yourself'.  Easy to say, but difficult to achieve.  In our global society today, who is our neighbour?
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  • 14/10/23

    Week 7: 'Invite everyone

    The word 'Catholic' comes from two Greek words which mean 'including everyone'.  Jesus' teachings on how to live life to the full are for everyone.  Just like the wedding story in this week's Gospel, we're all invited to take part.  How can we ensure that n...
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  • 08/10/23

    Week 6: Cornerstones

    Jesus uses the metaphor of a stone that was initially rejected by builders becoming the most important stone in a building.  The cornerstone supports the weight of all the other stones in a building. Despite our imperfections we too are valued and have the potential to the lives of others.
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  • 29/09/23

    Week 5: Doing God's Will

    What have you been asked to do, but have put off?  What do you need to commit to actually getting done this week?
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  • 26/09/23

    Week 4: 'Generous to all'

    In this week's Gospel we're challenged to be kind to everyone in our lives.  If we all made this a target, what difference would it make in our society?
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