Animation, Games and VFX Taster at Escape Studios
Students can get a taste of studying an Animation, Games or VFX degree. Post-16 students are invited to our undergraduate taster day on Saturday 2nd December, a perfect intro to industry-standard software taught on our degrees in animation, video games, and visual effects (VFX).
What to expect:
- Be taught by expert tutors on either our Creative Arts or Creative Technology degrees
- Have a go at some industry software we teach like Unreal Engine or Maya
- Learn more about career opportunities in the creative industries
- Explore our brand new studios in North Greenwich, London!
This taster is a great opportunity for students who might be interested in one day joining one of the UK's estimated 2.29 million jobs in the creative industries! (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, 2022)
Event details:
Date: Saturday 2nd December 2023
Time: 10am - 3pm
Place: Escape Studios, 6 Mitre Passage, North Greenwich, London, SE10 0ER
Book here.