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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

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  • 15/09/24

    Week 3: 'Take up your cross'

    Jesus challenges us to follow his example. Sometimes our priorities and responsibilities are the cross that we have to carry to live life to the full.    
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  • 06/09/24

    Week 2B: Hope

    In this week's Gospel we hear about Jesus transforming someone's life by restoring their hearing and speech. The meaning of this reading is that our beliefs and values enable us to better understand our world by communicating with each other. Who in your life needs your support this we...
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  • 03/09/24

    Week 01A: 'Listen to Me'

    As we start a new school year, we are required to listen to lots of new information.  Whose advice will help you to flourish and 'live life to the full'.    
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  • 09/07/24

    Italy Music Trip

    Our Music Dept. have teamed up with CNS to tour together around Lake Garda in Italy.  Follow our travels with daily updates
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  • 03/03/24

    School Production Tickets

    To book your tickets visit Ticket Source.
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  • 10/02/24

    Week 22: Lent begins

    On Wednesday we'll mark the beginning of Lent with a special service.  We will wear ashes as a visible sign that we wish to repent (rethink our lives).
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  • 05/02/24

    Week 21:Time in Prayer

    Jesus needed time by himself to gather the strength to support those in need.  Jesus shows us how to focus our minds and hearts through spending time in prayer.
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  • 27/01/24

    Week 20: A new teaching

    We sometimes forget that Jesus was a young man.  He spoke to others with such confidence and authority.  Today we need to listen to our young people and the issues that they are passionate about.
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  • 21/01/24

    Week 19: "Follow me"

    Sometimes, we are given a life-changing opportunity.  How good are you at noticing them and following them up?
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  • 15/01/24

    Week 18: Be a rock!

    In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus gives his friend a nickname 'Peter' meaning 'rock'.  This is because Jesus notices Peter's potential as a dependable leader.  In what ways to do people see you as a leader?  Who needs you to be their rock this week?
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  • 06/01/24

    Week 17: Follow the Star!

    Seeing the star gave the Magi a strong feeling of hope for the road ahead.  What key events are you hopeful about in the coming year?
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  • 31/12/23

    Week 16: Holy Family

    Happy New Year! The Feast of the Holy Family reminds us of how Mary and Joseph cared for and supported Jesus throughout his life.  At the start of the new year, we give thanks for our families for their love and attention.
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